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Mission Statement

Our St Joseph’s Vision:

Shining in the Light of Christ to be the Best that we can be

Our School Family Mission Statement

The mission of St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is to provide a Catholic education that enables our St Joseph's family to shine in the light of Christ as beacons of Hope for the World. LET US SHINE!

Spiritual  Jesus is our Teacher and we follow in his Holy footsteps. We forgive each other and share His love with others and we are responsible for looking after his Creations      

Harmony In our St Joseph’s Family, We live in Harmony because we are sympathetic, compassionate, gentle peacemakers

Inquisitive In our learning, we are keen to discover new things and we are always curious about our Wonderful World

Never give up We persevere when learning is tricky and encourage and support others in school and around the world so that all of God’s people can be the best that they can be

Enjoy We embrace learning joyfully and enjoy taking part in the rich, exciting curriculum with Happy hearts

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